
Youth programme at IFCO 2017

Youth portion of the IFCO 2017 World Conference will consist of two separate tracks: the Youth Track (EmpowerMEnt) and the Youth Advocate Track (Advocacy). These titles are based on the theory that upon leaving care, care leavers make the transition from being a Youth to a Youth Advocate (Kendrick-Burk et al, 2013)[1], and that separate needs may need to be met for these different groups.

Combined Learning Objectives:

  • Youth and Youth Advocates will have the opportunity to network with others in care.
  • Youth and Youth Advocates will learn about the local culture.
  • Youth and Youth Advocates will have the opportunity to share their voice.
  • Youth and Youth Advocates will participate in social programmes.
  • Youth and Youth Advocates will continue building on the progress of years past for the development of the Global Youth In Care Network, createXchange.
  • Youth and Youth Advocates will hear from plenary presentations.
  • Youth and Youth Advocates will have fun!

Participants will have the opportunity to select their track of preference upon registration, and may choose to change this preference. If you would prefer youth programme with a focus on needs of young people in care, please select the Youth Track's Option 1 (EmpowerMEnt). Youth Programme's Option 2 -- Youth Advocate Track -- will focus on advocacy to support the transition from care to independence.  

Youth Track 1 (EmpowerMEnt)

This track will be primarily focused around needs of young people in care. Participants will likely be youth who are still in care or have recently left care, and are in the beginning stages of self-discovery, reflection, life skills, learning to share their story, and connecting to others in and from care. 

Participants will have the opportunity:

  • to reflect on their own experience in care
  • to share their experience and connect with others in and from care through a variety of workshops, games, and plenaries
  • to develop their own life story
  • to learn about care systems from other countries

Youth Advocate Track 2 (Advocacy)

This track will be primarily focused on Youth Advocates and Advocates for Youth who have learned to utilize their voice to impact change on a larger scale. This track is based on the premise of advocacy, and will center around the development of recommendations necessary to support the transition from care to independence. Participation in the youth track will culminate in the development of a position paper on transition to and from aftercare. 

Participants will have the opportunity:

  • to know and understand the history and impact of the Convention on the Rights of the Child
  • to know and understand how to apply their experience in care in a collective voice to make

Youth Advocates will collectively participate in the development of a position paper centered around the rights of the child in the context of transitioning from care and recommendations for transitions from care

[1] Kendrick-Burk, L., Bergan, J., Long, J., Noelle, R., Soto, R., Richardson, R., & Waetzig, E. (2013). Youth Advocate to Advocate for Youth: The Next Transition. Portland, OR: Research and Training Center for Pathways to Positive Futures.

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