Adult Grandmaster's Palace Plenary Session 4
Nov 03, 2017 12:00 Noon - 12:15 PM(UTC)
20171103T1200 20171103T1215 UTC The need to further develop the healthcare service provision of looked after children in Malta

A significant number of looked after children (LAC) are a result of abuse and neglect, thus at higher risk of unmet physical, emotional and mental health needs.  In Malta, although a number of children going into care are assessed by a community paediatrician, there currently is no standardised specialised medical service that holistically assesses and follows up the healthcare needs of every child who is in care.  Evidence from other countries has shown that the introduction of LAC Health Services, including statutory health assessments, have made significant improvements in the health needs and outcomes of LAC.  These include understanding the current and future health needs of LAC that might otherwise have gone unrecognised by universal services. It is being proposed that the healthcare service provided to LAC in Malta is standardised through policy changes that ensure that the healthcare needs of every looked after child are being met and safeguarded through coordinated services that are child-centred and led by a specialist team.  These include using age-appropriate tools to screen and diagnose particular health and emotional needs at an earlier stage, health promotion measures, providing updated health histories that can further help LAC understand who they are and help in growing up more securely, as well as providing individualised health care plans that set standards for these children.

Grandmaster's Palace IFCO 2017 World Conference
36 attendees saved this session

A significant number of looked after children (LAC) are a result of abuse and neglect, thus at higher risk of unmet physical, emotional and mental health needs.  In Malta, although a number of children going into care are assessed by a community paediatrician, there currently is no standardised specialised medical service that holistically assesses and follows up the healthcare needs of every child who is in care.  Evidence from other countries has shown that the introduction of LAC Health Services, including statutory health assessments, have made significant improvements in the health needs and outcomes of LAC.  These include understanding the current and future health needs of LAC that might otherwise have gone unrecognised by universal services. It is being proposed that the healthcare service provided to LAC in Malta is standardised through policy changes that ensure that the healthcare needs of every looked after child are being met and safeguarded through coordinated services that are child-centred and led by a specialist team.  These include using age-appropriate tools to screen and diagnose particular health and emotional needs at an earlier stage, health promotion measures, providing updated health histories that can further help LAC understand who they are and help in growing up more securely, as well as providing individualised health care plans that set standards for these children.

NHS Malta
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