Adult Grandmaster's Palace Plenary Session 4
Nov 03, 2017 11:15 AM - 11:30 AM(UTC)
20171103T1115 20171103T1130 UTC How Relationships Lay the Foundation for Resilience

Resilience is often looked at as a fixed trait. As a "thing" you either have or don’t have. But the literature often contradicts this stance; instead showing resilience as a process that includes a delicate balance of protective and risk factors. One of the main protective factors associated with cultivating resilience, is social support. During this plenary session, Michael, a care leaver from the US, will masterfully blend his academic research with his personal care experience, to talk about how relationships lay the foundation for resilience. The presentation will conclude with practical steps on how social workers and care providers can be a resource for children and young adults in care. 

Grandmaster's Palace IFCO 2017 World Conference
39 attendees saved this session

Resilience is often looked at as a fixed trait. As a "thing" you either have or don’t have. But the literature often contradicts this stance; instead showing resilience as a process that includes a delicate balance of protective and risk factors. One of the main protective factors associated with cultivating resilience, is social support. During this plenary session, Michael, a care leaver from the US, will masterfully blend his academic research with his personal care experience, to talk about how relationships lay the foundation for resilience. The presentation will conclude with practical steps on how social workers and care providers can be a resource for children and young adults in care. 

Resilience Coach
Fostering Resilience
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